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Refer: Medium - Deep Readonly
Implement a generic DeepReadonly<T>
which make every parameter of an object - and its sub-objects recursively - readonly.
You can assume that we are only dealing with Objects in this challenge. Arrays, Functions, Classes and so on are no need to take into consideration. However, you can still challenge your self by covering different cases as many as possible.
For example
code snippetCopytypescripttype X = {
x: {
a: 1
b: 'hi'
y: 'hey'
type Expected = {
readonly x: {
readonly a: 1
readonly b: 'hi'
readonly y: 'hey'
type Todo = DeepReadonly<X> // should be same as `Expected`
Test Cases
code snippetCopytypescriptimport { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils'
type cases = [Expect<Equal<DeepReadonly<X>, Expected>>]
type X = {
a: () => 22
b: string
c: {
d: boolean
e: {
g: {
h: {
i: true
j: 'string'
k: 'hello'
type Expected = {
readonly a: () => 22
readonly b: string
readonly c: {
readonly d: boolean
readonly e: {
readonly g: {
readonly h: {
readonly i: true
readonly j: 'string'
readonly k: 'hello'
Question: Record<string, any>
would got error?
code snippetCopytypescript// my solution
type DeepReadonly<T> = {
readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends { [key: string | number]: unknown } ? DeepReadonly<T[P]> : T[P]
// other solution
type DeepReadonly<T> = {
readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends Record<string, unknown> ? DeepReadonly<T[P]> : T[P]