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Refer: Easy - Length of Tuple


For given a tuple, you need create a generic Length, pick the length of the tuple

For example

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type tesla = ['tesla', 'model 3', 'model X', 'model Y'] type spaceX = ['FALCON 9', 'FALCON HEAVY', 'DRAGON', 'STARSHIP', 'HUMAN SPACEFLIGHT'] type teslaLength = Length<tesla> // expected 4 type spaceXLength = Length<spaceX> // expected 5

Test Cases

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import { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' const tesla = ['tesla', 'model 3', 'model X', 'model Y'] as const const spaceX = ['FALCON 9', 'FALCON HEAVY', 'DRAGON', 'STARSHIP', 'HUMAN SPACEFLIGHT'] as const type cases = [ Expect<Equal<Length<typeof tesla>, 4>>, Expect<Equal<Length<typeof spaceX>, 5>>, // @ts-expect-error Length<5>, // @ts-expect-error Length<'hello world'>, ]


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type Length<T extends readonly any[]> = T['length'] extends number ? T['length'] : never